BSBWHS408 - Assist with effective WHS management of contractors
per item
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assist with the work health and safety (WHS) management of contractors. The WHS management of contractors has a strong focus on compliance with WHS organisational and legislative requirements.
This unit applies to individuals who either work in organisations that are supplied with services by contractors or work in organisations that supply such services. It is only concerned with the supply of on-site services to workplaces. It does not cover outworkers or contractors who supply goods, materials or products to workplaces.
The unit applies to people who work in a broad range of WHS roles across all industries.
NOTE: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented RTOs are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by referring to the existing State/Territory OHS legislative requirements.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to assist with the work health and safety (WHS) management of contractors. The WHS management of contractors has a strong focus on compliance with WHS organisational and legislative requirements.
This unit applies to individuals who either work in organisations that are supplied with services by contractors or work in organisations that supply such services. It is only concerned with the supply of on-site services to workplaces. It does not cover outworkers or contractors who supply goods, materials or products to workplaces.
The unit applies to people who work in a broad range of WHS roles across all industries.
NOTE: The terms 'occupational health and safety' (OHS) and 'work health and safety' (WHS) are equivalent and generally either can be used in the workplace. In jurisdictions where the Model WHS Legislation has not been implemented RTOs are advised to contextualise the unit of competency by referring to the existing State/Territory OHS legislative requirements.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.