Individual Care Resources
What are these links?
This section contains over 100 links to other websites.
The resources can be used to find additional information on a topic for use in training or personal professional development, or improving or suggesting an improvement to a process.
How can I find the resource I need?
Links are generally categorised according to their relative Accreditation Standard. However, please note we have kept the search categories broad. This is because links provided contain resource information on a wide range of topics.
Links which relate to more than one Accreditation Standard are listed under ‘General Resources’. To find specific materials, we encourage you to select the most likely appropriate link and then search the individual website for the required information.
General resources
Standard one: Management systems, staffing and organisation development
Standard two: Health and personal care
Standard three: Resident lifestyle
Standard four: Physical environment and safe systems
General resources
ACT Treasury - The Risk Guide
This site contains information on a structured approach to risk management.
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) provides independent review of a wide range of administrative decisions made by the Australian government and some non-government bodies. This includes decisions made by the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd.
Aged & Community Services Australia (National)
Aged & Community Services New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory
Aged Care Queensland
Aged & Community Services South Australia and Northern Territory
Aged & Community Services Tasmania
Aged & Community Care Victoria
Aged & Community Services Western Australia
Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) is an industry peak body and these websites provide various information on aged care including through fact sheets, as well as links to other relevant websites.
Aged Care Association Australia (National)
Aged & Community Care Victoria
Aged Care Association Australia – New South Wales
Aged Care Association Australia – South Australia
Aged Care Association Queensland
Aged Care Association Australia (ACAA) is an industry peak body and these websites provide various information on aged care included through the organisation’s newsletter, as well as links to other relevant websites.
Aged Care Australia
Aged Care Australia provides the community with access to government and non-government information and services. It includes comprehensive information about aged care accommodation, community care services, support for carers and important health issues. It also includes a link to the Agency’s published reports on homes.
Aged Care Commissioner
The Aged Care Commissioner is able to review certain decisions made by the Complaints Investigation Scheme and to examine certain complaints about the Agency's conduct. The Commissioner is independent of the Agency and the Department of Health and Ageing.
This site consists of a collection of online evidence based resources to staff and others involved in the care of older Australians to deliver high quality care and to pursue better practice.
Ageing Research On-Line
This Commonwealth website provides access to various aged care research publications.
AGREE Collaboration
The AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation) Collaboration, partly funded by the European Union, is an international collaboration of researchers and policy makers who work together to improve the quality and effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines by establishing a shared framework for their development, reporting and assessment. The site contains useful information including the AGREE Guidelines for evaluating research.
Australasian Journal on Ageing
March 2004 to present published by Blackwell.
Australian Association of Gerontology
This website provides information on aged care for instance through the association’s newsletters. It also provides links to universities with gerontology programs.
Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Australian Bureau of Statistics is Australia’s official statistical organisation and collects, compiles, analyses and disseminates a wide range of statistics.
Australian College of Health Service Executives (ACHSE)
This website provides links to the organisation’s library which contains a broad range of health and aged care resources, and presents various education courses on offer.
Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)
Australian Capital Territory Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS)
New South Wales Council of Social Service (NCOSS)
Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS)
South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS)
Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TCOSS)
Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS)
Western Australia Council of Social Service (WACOSS)
These websites provide information on various social issues, including those relating to health and aged care.
Australian Government
This website provides information on the Australian government in general, as well as links to other government sites.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is Australia's national agency for health and welfare statistics and information.
Australian Policy Online
This site acts as an online gateway for Australian research in public policy. The site provides direct links to research from a variety of centres and institutes around Australia, giving researchers, journalists, librarians, students and others access to the most up-to-date research and analysis in a broad range of policy areas.
Bureau of Meteorology
This website contains information on weather and climate. It should be used when travelling to areas which are prone to dangerous weather such as cyclones.
Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. The Commission regulates health and adult social care services, whether provided by the NHS, local authorities, private companies or voluntary organisations.
This is the website of Centrelink, located in the Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services. The website includes information on people who can help older people, such as social workers, relevant payments and a wide range of publications as well as questions and answers about Centrelink services.
Commonwealth Carelink Centres
This is an information service for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. The site contains information on residential aged care homes via its search function.
Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
This website provides information under "support for the aged" with a number of on-line publications on topics such as housing choices and investment options for older people.
Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing
This website includes a range of on-line publications about aged care. This site provides resources relating to expected outcomes across all four Accreditation Standards.
Commonwealth Department of Veterans’ Affairs
This website provides information about services and issues affecting veterans and their families. This includes information on residential aged care homes, falls prevention, and services to which veterans are entitled.
Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council
The Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council (ISC) is the recognised peaknational body providing advice on the training and skills development needs of the community services and health workforce to government and industry.
Councils on the Ageing (COTA)
This website provides various resources including links, publications and journals in aged care. It contains links to state and territory COTAs.
Council of Australian Governments (COAG)
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is the peak intergovernmental forum in Australia and comprises the Prime Minister, State Premiers, Territory Chief Ministers and the President of the Australian Local Government Association. The role of COAG is to initiate, develop and monitor the implementation of policy reforms that are of national significance.
Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (New South Wales)
This websites provides information on aged care issues and state policies.
Department of Health (Australian Capital Territory)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health (New South Wales)
This websites provides various information on health issues (including infection control) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health (Queensland)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) including those relating to aged care.
Department of Health (South Australia)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health (Victoria)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health (Western Australia)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health and Families (Northern Territory)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health and Human Services (Tasmania)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Human Services (Victoria)
This website provides a variety of downloads and links for information on aged care.
This site contains online dictionaries and thesauruses.
The Gerontologist
Multidisciplinary perspective on human aging through the publication of research and analysis in gerontology, including social policy, program development, and service delivery.
Growth House
Growth House, Inc. is an international gateway to resources for life-threatening illness and end of life care. Growth House sponsors the Inter-Institutional Collaborating Network on End-of-life Care (IICN) which internationally links major organisations.
HealthInsite is a Commonwealth government initiative which provides links to other government websites on a range of issues, including those relating specifically to aged care, multiculturalism, privacy and confidentiality, and specific illnesses.
Australian Human Rights Commission
The commission conducts education, investigation and attempted resolution of complaints about breaches of human rights and anti-discrimination legislation. It contains resources relating to various forms of discrimination including aged discrimination, as well as information on criminal record checks.
Institute for Health Care Improvement
Information on Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) website regarding improving care during later life stages.
National Ageing Research Institute
This website contains a list of publications on various issues affecting older Australians.
National Institute on Aging (US)
This website provides various publications and information on a wide of range of issues relating to aged care.
National Public Health Partnership
The National Public Health Partnership, under the auspice of the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, provides a multilateral inter-governmental framework between the Commonwealth and State/Territory Health Authorities to protect and improve the health of Australians. This site contains publications including national plans relevant to health and aged care.
National Seniors
The official website of National seniors which is a non-profit organisation with over 190,000 members aged 50 and over nationally.
National Seniors Productive Ageing Centre (NSPAC)
National Seniors Productive Ageing Centre (NSPAC) was established in partnership with DoHA and the University of the Sunshine Coast. It provides information on productive ageing through reports, presentations and research papers.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has various information on health and social issues including reports and research.
Royal College of Nursing Australia
This website provides links to nursing registration boards’ websites.
This site provides information on Australian roads including accidents and road works.
Ultralingua Online Dictionary
This website contains information on English grammar usage.
United Nations Program on Ageing
The United Nations program on ageing supports the implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing to build capacity in responding to issues as a result of an ageing population and associated developmental implications.
University of Southern Queensland Australia E-Prints
This website provides access to research papers and other materials on a range of topics including those relating to management and health care.
Where Is
This websites assists in providing directions, maps and travel distances.
The World Health Organisation has been involved in a worldwide project to promote age-friendly primary health care, the prevention of elder abuse and teaching geriatrics in medical education.
Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Program
The WELL Program assists organisations to train workers in English language, literacy and numeracy skills. Training is linked to job-related workplace training and is designed to help workers meet their current and future employment and training needs.
This site provides access to the information and services of the Australian, state, territory and local governments.
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Standard one: Management systems, staffing and organisational development
Australasian Legal Information Institute
This website provides links to state and federal legislation, and court and tribunal cases.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
The Commission was established by the Australian, State and Territory Governments to develop a national strategic framework and associated work program that will guide its efforts in improving safety and quality across the health care system in Australia.
Australian Human Resources Institute
This website provides some information on current human resource management issues.
ComLaw is a website maintained by the Commonwealth Department of the Attorney-General and provides information on federal legislation.
Education Development Centre Inc.
Innovations in End of Life Care is a bimonthly, online journal that features peer-reviewed promising practices in end-of-life care. It is a project of the Last Acts Task Force on Institutional Innovation.
Institute of Public Administration Australia
This website provides links to its state divisions which have various resources on administration and governance issues such as on health care and human resource management.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care
Internationally peer-reviewed journal related to quality and safety in health care.
Law Access Online
LawAccess Online is a free government service that provides legal information and advice in relation to New South Wales legal matters.
This website provides links to state and federal legislation, as well as other information on legal issues.
Lawlink is an online government portal website to law and justice agencies and services in New South Wales.
National Training Information Service (NTIS)
This site provides a database on vocational education and training in Australia. NTIS is the official national register of information on training packages, qualifications, courses, units of competency and registered training organisations.
Participate in Health
This website contains articles on various health care programs including those relating to quality management systems and education programs.
Quality & Safety in Health Care
An international peer review journal for health professionals in quality improvement and patient safety.
Quality Improvement Council
The Quality Improvement Council is a non-profit organisation which promotes continuous improvement in health and community organisations. Information on the website includes publications on quality models.
Research and Practice in Human Resource Management Journal
Research and Practice in Human Resource Management is an international journal containing articles relating to a broad range of human resource management issues, including in relation to aged care settings.
Rural Health Education Foundation
The Rural Health Education Foundation is a non-government, not-for-profit organisation that provides an education and information ‘lifeline’ to rural and remote health professionals. Health topics include information directly relevant to aged care. Many resources, including streaming of education programs, are free to download.
SCALEplus is a website maintained by the Commonwealth Department of the Attorney-General and provides information on federal legislation.
TAFE New South Wales
TAFE Northern Territory
TAFE Queensland
TAFE Tasmania
TAFE Victoria
TAFE South Australia
TAFE Western Australia
These websites provide information on TAFE courses in each state and territory.
Workplace Ombudsman
The Workplace Ombudsman is the independent agency responsible for protecting and enforcing the rights of workers and employers.
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Standard two: Health and personal care
Alzheimer’s Australia
This website provides information on a range of issues relevant to health and personal care for residents with Alzheimer’s Disease including the documents Quality Dementia Care: Practice in Residential Aged Care Facilities for all Staff and Quality Dementia Care Standards: A Guide to Practice for Managers in Residential Aged Care Facilities.
Arthritis Australia
This website provides information on arthritis including various forms of therapy.
Australian Association of Occupational Therapists
This website provides information on occupational therapy including in relation to aged care.
Australian Association of Social Workers
This website provides information on advocacy, the association’s policy statements and publications.
Australian Dental Association
The Australian Dental Association aims to encourage the health of the public and to promote dentistry. This site contains dental health information and links to journals.
Australian Diabetes Educators Association
The Australian Diabetes Educators Association is Australia’s peak professional organisation in diabetes education. It actively promotes best practice diabetes education to ensure optimal health and well being for all people affected by, and at risk of, diabetes.
Australian Drug Information Network
The Australian Drug Information Network (ADIN) provides a central point of access to quality Internet-based alcohol and drug information provided by prominent organisations in Australia and Internationally.
Australian General Practice Network
This website provides information about issues relating to general practitioners and includes some discussion of programs and issues in aged care.
Australian Medical Association
This website provides resources, publications and policy statements on a range of issues including those relating to aged care.
Australian Nursing Federation
These websites provide links to various nursing associations which include resources, publications, and policy statements.
Australian Pain Society
The Australian Pain Society’s 2005 guidelines on Pain in Residential Aged Care Facilities is available for download providing comprehensive information on identification, assessment and response strategies for pain management. The document also contains a list of useful websites and further references to pain management guidelines.
Australian Physiotherapy Association
This website provides a link to the Australian Journal of Physiotherapy.
Australian Podiatry Council
This website provides various information and resources on foot care including in relation to aged care.
Australian Psychological Society
This website provides some information on psychologists.
Australian Resource Centre for Health Care Innovations (ARCHI)
Australian Resource Centre for Health Care Innovations aims to support and increase the implementation of effective and quality innovations in clinical care. The site contains various links on health care issues including in relation to clinical care, health administration and workforce.
Australian Rural Nurses and Midwives
This website has information on rural nursing, including in relation to aged care. There is also information on a falls prevention project and education sessions on various health topics.
Better Health Channel
This website is from the Victorian government and contains information on health and personal care including fact sheets and a medical dictionary.
Biomed Central
This website provides links to various topic-specific journals relating to areas in health and personal care.
Bladder and Bowel Website
This website is an initiative of the National Continence Management Strategy, supervised by the Department of Health and Ageing. The site contains useful information on bladder and bowel health care, as well as links to other websites.
Cancer Council Australia
This website provides information on various cancers and includes publications, guidelines and information on policy.
This website contains information for palliative care clinical practitioners, researchers and educators and includes abstracts from proceedings of scientific meetings, government reports, theses and treatises related to palliative care from Australian universities and refereed journal articles not catalogued on general medical databases. It also contains models of service provision and outcome measures.
Centre for Education and Research on Ageing (CERA)
CERA, part of the University of Sydney, provides resources and links on health care issues relating to ageing in order to improve the health and quality of life of older people.
The Cochrane Library
This website provides a comprehensive collection of health care databases as well as outcomes of research reviews on health care interventions and methodology of research trials.
Complementary Health Care Council of Australia
This website provides information on some complementary therapies.
Continence Foundation of Australia
Information page from the Continence Foundation of Australia on the link between poor bladder or bowel control and depression.
Deafness Forum
The Deafness Forum is the peak body for deafness in Australia. This website provides information on deafness as well as links to other useful websites. The Deafness Forum contributed to a presentation developed by the Agency which is available by clicking here.
Dementia Education Online
Dementia Education Online is a government initiative with three online training modules relating to dementia. These modules are: what is dementia, recognising dementia, and communication in dementia care.
Diabetes Australia
This website provides information, research and resources on diabetes.
Dietitians Association of Australia
This website provides information about nutrition including information on aged care.
Health at eNotes
This website contains several medical and psychological encyclopaedia containing simple definitions and descriptions of medical terminology, procedures and diagnoses.
This website provides a range of information on health topics such as diabetes, cancer, mental health and asthma.
Heart Foundation
This website contains information on various heart health problems including through information pages and publications.
Help the Aged (UK)
This website provides information on a variety of health and care issues.
Huntington’s Disease Association Australia (WA)
Huntington’s Disease Association New South Wales
Huntington’s Disease Association Queensland
These websites contain information on Huntington’s Disease including in relation to nutrition, swallowing, cognition, communication and decision making.
Joanna Briggs Institute
This website provides various information sheets on best practice guidelines relating to health and personal care.
Kidney Health Australia
This website provides information and resources on renal health.
Medical Journal of Australia
The Medical Journal of Australia contains various articles on topics relating to health and personal care.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society of Australia
This website contains information on multiple sclerosis (MS) including through research and publications.
National Health and Medical Research Council
The National Health and Medical Research Council contains various publications on health issues, including a specific topic area on aged care.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (UK)
This website provides guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill-health.
National Prescribing Service (NPS)
The NPS is an independent Australian organisation supporting the quality use of medicines. This website contains free resources including a Drug Use Evaluation Toolkit (for evaluating the use of psychotropic medications).
National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Aging (US)
The National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Aging (US) works in conjunction with the US Administration on Aging to provide information and practical guidance on reducing ‘nutrition risk among older adults’.
National Sleep Foundation (US)
Information on sleep and ageing from the National Sleep Foundation (USA).
National Stroke Foundation
Provides information on guidelines and pamphlets on stroke.
Nutrition Journal
This journal contains various articles on the effect of nutrition on various aged-related illnesses.
Palliative Care Australia
Palliative Care Australia is the national peak body involved in palliative care. The website provides information on current projects, events and guidelines, including Guidelines for a Palliative Approach in Residential Aged Care.
Palliative Care Section of Department of Health and Ageing
This site contains various resources and publications including on training and palliative care for indigenous Australians.
Parkinson’s Association (New South Wales)
Parkinson's Association (Queensland)
Parkinson's Association (South Australia)
Parkinson's Association (Victoria)
Parkinson's Association (Western Australia)
These websites provide general information on Parkinson’s Disease including in relation to symptoms, treatment and lifestyle.
Respecting Patient Choices (Austin Health)
The Respecting Patient Choices Program is a program to support advance care planning. The website contains various information relating to advance care planning including ethno-legal information and case studies.
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
This website provides information about issues relating to general practitioners and the Medical Care of Older Persons in Residential Aged Care Facilities (the Silver Book).
Speech Pathology Australia
This website provides information on communication and swallowing.
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is a unit of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing and carries out a range of assessment and monitoring activities to ensure therapeutic goods available in Australia are of an acceptable standard.
TIME for Dementia
Training Innovation Mentoring and Education (TIME) for Dementia aims to provide flexible, multidimensional education to allied health, medical and nursing professionals and healthcare students. The site contains education modules aimed to assist health professionals to care for people with dementia.
UNSW - Dementia Collaborative Research Centres (DCRC)
Dementia Collaborative Research Centres were established by the Australian government and focus on different areas of dementia research. This site contains downloadable reports on results of such research.
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
The Clinical Liaison Service is a new and unique initiative of the State Coroners Office and the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine to improve resident/patient safety. The need to establish the service is supported by an expanding body of research evidence indicating that addressing the contributing underlying system factors may prevent a significant proportion of adverse events.
Vision Australia
This site contains information on vision impairment.
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Standard three: Resident lifestyle
Aged Care Advocacy Services
ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service
The Aged Care Rights Service TARS (New South Wales)
Queensland Aged and Disability Advocacy Inc QADA
Aged Rights Advocacy Service (South Australia)
Advocacy Tasmania
Elder Rights Advocacy (Victoria)
Advocare (Western Australia)
These organisations are Commonwealth-funded and provide information and publications on residents’ rights including in relation to elder abuse.
Australian Guardianship and Administration Committee
This site provides information about the Australian Guardianship and Administration Committee with links to guardianship bodies in each state. These organisations have a role in protecting adults in Australia who do not have the capacity to make their own decisions including in relation to financial, medical and dental consent. They also provide various information on guardianship and other related issues.
Australian Multicultural Foundation
The Australian Multicultural Foundation in conjunction with RMIT University created the Aged Care Training Institute to provide training on working in a multicultural aged care environment.
Benevolent Society
The Benevolent Society has developed resources to help prevent the abuse of older people, increase awareness of abuse and to guide care-workers on how to respond if they see signs of abuse. This link includes various resources, including links to other sites.
Beyond Blue
This website provides information and links to other websites on depression.
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is an educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in mood disorders. This site contains various resources including assessment tools and research.
Carers Australia
Carers Australia provides information, advocacy and resources to carers. The website contains resources relating to caring including via the page which contains information for carers of older people including in relation to residential aged care.
Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
The Centre for Cultural Diversity has been developed to guide and promote best practice standards of care that address cultural diversity across all levels of service design and delivery. It also contains resources in different languages.
Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Citizenship
This website provides information on immigration, multicultural issues and indigenous issues including Australia’s multicultural policy and links to other websites with information indigenous services and policies. By clicking here, there is access to a calendar which aims to raise awareness of the many cultural and religious events, festivals and days that are celebrated throughout Australia.
Dementia Care Australia
This website contains information and articles relating to dementia with a strong focus on the individual. There is an abundance of information on maintaining the dignity of people with dementia and on activities appropriate to their needs. There is also some information on nutrition and other health-related issues.
Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Queensland)
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General is the government agency responsible for administering justice in Queensland. This site contains information on various issues including guardianship and powers of attorney in Queensland.
Diversional Therapy Association of Australia
Website of the Diversional Therapy Association of Australia providing general and professional information, publications and upcoming events.
Elder Abuse Prevention Unit (EAPU)
This website includes a range of information about the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit and elder abuse including downloadable fact sheets and multilingual brochures which are available in 15 different languages.
Greek Care
Greek Care provides practical advice and information on how to work with Greek elders. It includes information on how to be culturally sensitive to people with Greek culture, including information on communication, and spiritual needs.
Mental Health Association
This website provides links to mental health associations in each state which in turn have other links to related websites as well as information on mental health issues.
Multicultural Aged Care - South Australia
This website has information on multiculturalism. This includes resources which outline some of the characteristics of specific cultures.
Multicultural Mental Health Australia
This website provides information and resources on mental health issues in relation to cultural aspects, and is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.
New South Wales Multicultural Health Communication Service
The New South Wales Multicultural Health Communication Service is funded by the New South Wales Department of Health and provides information, services and resources to assist health professionals to communicate with people from culturally and linguistically-diverse backgrounds.
NSW Transcultural Aged Care Service (TACS)
The NSW Transcultural Aged Care Service (TACS) provides advocacy and service support to improve the responsiveness of aged care providers toward culturally and linguistically diverse residents.
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
This website provides information, resources and research on privacy legislation and rights.
Office of the Public Guardian (Tasmania)
The Office of the Public Guardian promotes, speaks for, and protects the rights and interests of people with disabilities and acts as the guardian of people with disabilities when appointed by the Guardianship and Administration Board.
Older Women's Network
The Older Women’s Network (NSW) is an organisation committed to promoting the rights, dignity and wellbeing of older women. The website contains resources on wellness, indigenous matters and ageing issues for women.
Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity
The Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity provide research and advocacy focused on older people from minority groups.
Public Advocate of the ACT
The Public Advocate of the ACT (PA ACT) is a statutory agency which with a range of unique functions and powers with respect to children and young people, and adults with a disability, who require protection from abuse, exploitation or neglect.
RPH Australia
RPH Australia is the national peak body for a network of unique, independent radio reading services striving to meet the daily information needs of over three million Australians with a print disability.
This website provides information on services and rights to senior citizens.
University of the Third Age
This website provides information and resources on courses for older people and links to other University of the Third Age Websites.
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Standard four: Physical environment and safe systems
Australian Building Codes Board
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is a joint initiative of all levels of Australian Government and includes representatives from the building industry. This site contains information on changes to existing and new building codes.
Australian Infection Control Association
This website contains links to state associations and various infection control websites.
Australian Safety and Compensation Council
The council provides a national forum for state and territory governments, employers and employees to consult and participate in the development of policies relating to occupational health and safety, and workers' compensation.
Department of Employment and Industrial Relations (Queensland)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in Queensland.
Department of Health and Ageing (certification information)
This site lists those homes which meet the 1997 certification standards and those which have demonstrated they meet the December 2005 target for higher standards tested against the 1999 Certification Instrument.
Emergency Management Australia
This website provides information about emergency management, resources and links to related sites.
Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia
This website provides general information about emergency services including in relation to natural disasters and general information on safety and risk management.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (formerly ANZFA) is a regulatory authority. Information on this website includes publications and other information on food safety including the document Food Safety Programs for Food Service to Vulnerable Persons.
Infection Prevention & Control Unit
This website provides information and resources on infection control.
Ministry of Economic Development (New Zealand)
This website provides information on planning for a pandemic, including resources created in response to the World Health Organisation’s warning.
National Center for Infectious Diseases (U.S.)
This site contains information on infections and infection control practices for treatment and prevention.
New South Wales Fire Brigades
This website provides information on fire safety, regulations and education.
New South Wales Food Authority
The NSW Food Authority provides the regulation framework for industry to produce safe and correctly labelled food. This site contains various information on food safety, including in relation to aged care.
New South Wales Rural Fire Service
This website provides information on fire safety including publications and legal information.
Queensland Fire and Rescue Service
This website provides information on fire safety, regulations and education.
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Environment, Health and Safety
This site contains information on occupational health and safety, and risk management in general.
Victorian WorkCover Authority
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in Victoria.
WorkCover (Australian Capital Territory)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in the Australian Capital Territory.
WorkCover (New South Wales)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in New South Wales.
WorkCover (South Australia)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in South Australia.
WorkCover (Tasmania)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in Tasmania.
WorkSafe (Northern Territory)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in the Northern Territory.
WorkSafe (Western Australia)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in Western Australia
This section contains over 100 links to other websites.
The resources can be used to find additional information on a topic for use in training or personal professional development, or improving or suggesting an improvement to a process.
How can I find the resource I need?
Links are generally categorised according to their relative Accreditation Standard. However, please note we have kept the search categories broad. This is because links provided contain resource information on a wide range of topics.
Links which relate to more than one Accreditation Standard are listed under ‘General Resources’. To find specific materials, we encourage you to select the most likely appropriate link and then search the individual website for the required information.
General resources
Standard one: Management systems, staffing and organisation development
Standard two: Health and personal care
Standard three: Resident lifestyle
Standard four: Physical environment and safe systems
General resources
ACT Treasury - The Risk Guide
This site contains information on a structured approach to risk management.
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) provides independent review of a wide range of administrative decisions made by the Australian government and some non-government bodies. This includes decisions made by the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd.
Aged & Community Services Australia (National)
Aged & Community Services New South Wales/Australian Capital Territory
Aged Care Queensland
Aged & Community Services South Australia and Northern Territory
Aged & Community Services Tasmania
Aged & Community Care Victoria
Aged & Community Services Western Australia
Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) is an industry peak body and these websites provide various information on aged care including through fact sheets, as well as links to other relevant websites.
Aged Care Association Australia (National)
Aged & Community Care Victoria
Aged Care Association Australia – New South Wales
Aged Care Association Australia – South Australia
Aged Care Association Queensland
Aged Care Association Australia (ACAA) is an industry peak body and these websites provide various information on aged care included through the organisation’s newsletter, as well as links to other relevant websites.
Aged Care Australia
Aged Care Australia provides the community with access to government and non-government information and services. It includes comprehensive information about aged care accommodation, community care services, support for carers and important health issues. It also includes a link to the Agency’s published reports on homes.
Aged Care Commissioner
The Aged Care Commissioner is able to review certain decisions made by the Complaints Investigation Scheme and to examine certain complaints about the Agency's conduct. The Commissioner is independent of the Agency and the Department of Health and Ageing.
This site consists of a collection of online evidence based resources to staff and others involved in the care of older Australians to deliver high quality care and to pursue better practice.
Ageing Research On-Line
This Commonwealth website provides access to various aged care research publications.
AGREE Collaboration
The AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation) Collaboration, partly funded by the European Union, is an international collaboration of researchers and policy makers who work together to improve the quality and effectiveness of clinical practice guidelines by establishing a shared framework for their development, reporting and assessment. The site contains useful information including the AGREE Guidelines for evaluating research.
Australasian Journal on Ageing
March 2004 to present published by Blackwell.
Australian Association of Gerontology
This website provides information on aged care for instance through the association’s newsletters. It also provides links to universities with gerontology programs.
Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Australian Bureau of Statistics is Australia’s official statistical organisation and collects, compiles, analyses and disseminates a wide range of statistics.
Australian College of Health Service Executives (ACHSE)
This website provides links to the organisation’s library which contains a broad range of health and aged care resources, and presents various education courses on offer.
Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)
Australian Capital Territory Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS)
New South Wales Council of Social Service (NCOSS)
Queensland Council of Social Service (QCOSS)
South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS)
Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TCOSS)
Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS)
Western Australia Council of Social Service (WACOSS)
These websites provide information on various social issues, including those relating to health and aged care.
Australian Government
This website provides information on the Australian government in general, as well as links to other government sites.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is Australia's national agency for health and welfare statistics and information.
Australian Policy Online
This site acts as an online gateway for Australian research in public policy. The site provides direct links to research from a variety of centres and institutes around Australia, giving researchers, journalists, librarians, students and others access to the most up-to-date research and analysis in a broad range of policy areas.
Bureau of Meteorology
This website contains information on weather and climate. It should be used when travelling to areas which are prone to dangerous weather such as cyclones.
Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. The Commission regulates health and adult social care services, whether provided by the NHS, local authorities, private companies or voluntary organisations.
This is the website of Centrelink, located in the Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services. The website includes information on people who can help older people, such as social workers, relevant payments and a wide range of publications as well as questions and answers about Centrelink services.
Commonwealth Carelink Centres
This is an information service for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. The site contains information on residential aged care homes via its search function.
Commonwealth Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
This website provides information under "support for the aged" with a number of on-line publications on topics such as housing choices and investment options for older people.
Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing
This website includes a range of on-line publications about aged care. This site provides resources relating to expected outcomes across all four Accreditation Standards.
Commonwealth Department of Veterans’ Affairs
This website provides information about services and issues affecting veterans and their families. This includes information on residential aged care homes, falls prevention, and services to which veterans are entitled.
Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council
The Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council (ISC) is the recognised peaknational body providing advice on the training and skills development needs of the community services and health workforce to government and industry.
Councils on the Ageing (COTA)
This website provides various resources including links, publications and journals in aged care. It contains links to state and territory COTAs.
Council of Australian Governments (COAG)
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) is the peak intergovernmental forum in Australia and comprises the Prime Minister, State Premiers, Territory Chief Ministers and the President of the Australian Local Government Association. The role of COAG is to initiate, develop and monitor the implementation of policy reforms that are of national significance.
Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (New South Wales)
This websites provides information on aged care issues and state policies.
Department of Health (Australian Capital Territory)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health (New South Wales)
This websites provides various information on health issues (including infection control) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health (Queensland)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) including those relating to aged care.
Department of Health (South Australia)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health (Victoria)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health (Western Australia)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health and Families (Northern Territory)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Health and Human Services (Tasmania)
This website provides various information on health issues (including infection control and food safety) and includes information relating to aged care.
Department of Human Services (Victoria)
This website provides a variety of downloads and links for information on aged care.
This site contains online dictionaries and thesauruses.
The Gerontologist
Multidisciplinary perspective on human aging through the publication of research and analysis in gerontology, including social policy, program development, and service delivery.
Growth House
Growth House, Inc. is an international gateway to resources for life-threatening illness and end of life care. Growth House sponsors the Inter-Institutional Collaborating Network on End-of-life Care (IICN) which internationally links major organisations.
HealthInsite is a Commonwealth government initiative which provides links to other government websites on a range of issues, including those relating specifically to aged care, multiculturalism, privacy and confidentiality, and specific illnesses.
Australian Human Rights Commission
The commission conducts education, investigation and attempted resolution of complaints about breaches of human rights and anti-discrimination legislation. It contains resources relating to various forms of discrimination including aged discrimination, as well as information on criminal record checks.
Institute for Health Care Improvement
Information on Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI) website regarding improving care during later life stages.
National Ageing Research Institute
This website contains a list of publications on various issues affecting older Australians.
National Institute on Aging (US)
This website provides various publications and information on a wide of range of issues relating to aged care.
National Public Health Partnership
The National Public Health Partnership, under the auspice of the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council, provides a multilateral inter-governmental framework between the Commonwealth and State/Territory Health Authorities to protect and improve the health of Australians. This site contains publications including national plans relevant to health and aged care.
National Seniors
The official website of National seniors which is a non-profit organisation with over 190,000 members aged 50 and over nationally.
National Seniors Productive Ageing Centre (NSPAC)
National Seniors Productive Ageing Centre (NSPAC) was established in partnership with DoHA and the University of the Sunshine Coast. It provides information on productive ageing through reports, presentations and research papers.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has various information on health and social issues including reports and research.
Royal College of Nursing Australia
This website provides links to nursing registration boards’ websites.
This site provides information on Australian roads including accidents and road works.
Ultralingua Online Dictionary
This website contains information on English grammar usage.
United Nations Program on Ageing
The United Nations program on ageing supports the implementation of the International Plan of Action on Ageing to build capacity in responding to issues as a result of an ageing population and associated developmental implications.
University of Southern Queensland Australia E-Prints
This website provides access to research papers and other materials on a range of topics including those relating to management and health care.
Where Is
This websites assists in providing directions, maps and travel distances.
The World Health Organisation has been involved in a worldwide project to promote age-friendly primary health care, the prevention of elder abuse and teaching geriatrics in medical education.
Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) Program
The WELL Program assists organisations to train workers in English language, literacy and numeracy skills. Training is linked to job-related workplace training and is designed to help workers meet their current and future employment and training needs.
This site provides access to the information and services of the Australian, state, territory and local governments.
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Standard one: Management systems, staffing and organisational development
Australasian Legal Information Institute
This website provides links to state and federal legislation, and court and tribunal cases.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
The Commission was established by the Australian, State and Territory Governments to develop a national strategic framework and associated work program that will guide its efforts in improving safety and quality across the health care system in Australia.
Australian Human Resources Institute
This website provides some information on current human resource management issues.
ComLaw is a website maintained by the Commonwealth Department of the Attorney-General and provides information on federal legislation.
Education Development Centre Inc.
Innovations in End of Life Care is a bimonthly, online journal that features peer-reviewed promising practices in end-of-life care. It is a project of the Last Acts Task Force on Institutional Innovation.
Institute of Public Administration Australia
This website provides links to its state divisions which have various resources on administration and governance issues such as on health care and human resource management.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care
Internationally peer-reviewed journal related to quality and safety in health care.
Law Access Online
LawAccess Online is a free government service that provides legal information and advice in relation to New South Wales legal matters.
This website provides links to state and federal legislation, as well as other information on legal issues.
Lawlink is an online government portal website to law and justice agencies and services in New South Wales.
National Training Information Service (NTIS)
This site provides a database on vocational education and training in Australia. NTIS is the official national register of information on training packages, qualifications, courses, units of competency and registered training organisations.
Participate in Health
This website contains articles on various health care programs including those relating to quality management systems and education programs.
Quality & Safety in Health Care
An international peer review journal for health professionals in quality improvement and patient safety.
Quality Improvement Council
The Quality Improvement Council is a non-profit organisation which promotes continuous improvement in health and community organisations. Information on the website includes publications on quality models.
Research and Practice in Human Resource Management Journal
Research and Practice in Human Resource Management is an international journal containing articles relating to a broad range of human resource management issues, including in relation to aged care settings.
Rural Health Education Foundation
The Rural Health Education Foundation is a non-government, not-for-profit organisation that provides an education and information ‘lifeline’ to rural and remote health professionals. Health topics include information directly relevant to aged care. Many resources, including streaming of education programs, are free to download.
SCALEplus is a website maintained by the Commonwealth Department of the Attorney-General and provides information on federal legislation.
TAFE New South Wales
TAFE Northern Territory
TAFE Queensland
TAFE Tasmania
TAFE Victoria
TAFE South Australia
TAFE Western Australia
These websites provide information on TAFE courses in each state and territory.
Workplace Ombudsman
The Workplace Ombudsman is the independent agency responsible for protecting and enforcing the rights of workers and employers.
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Standard two: Health and personal care
Alzheimer’s Australia
This website provides information on a range of issues relevant to health and personal care for residents with Alzheimer’s Disease including the documents Quality Dementia Care: Practice in Residential Aged Care Facilities for all Staff and Quality Dementia Care Standards: A Guide to Practice for Managers in Residential Aged Care Facilities.
Arthritis Australia
This website provides information on arthritis including various forms of therapy.
Australian Association of Occupational Therapists
This website provides information on occupational therapy including in relation to aged care.
Australian Association of Social Workers
This website provides information on advocacy, the association’s policy statements and publications.
Australian Dental Association
The Australian Dental Association aims to encourage the health of the public and to promote dentistry. This site contains dental health information and links to journals.
Australian Diabetes Educators Association
The Australian Diabetes Educators Association is Australia’s peak professional organisation in diabetes education. It actively promotes best practice diabetes education to ensure optimal health and well being for all people affected by, and at risk of, diabetes.
Australian Drug Information Network
The Australian Drug Information Network (ADIN) provides a central point of access to quality Internet-based alcohol and drug information provided by prominent organisations in Australia and Internationally.
Australian General Practice Network
This website provides information about issues relating to general practitioners and includes some discussion of programs and issues in aged care.
Australian Medical Association
This website provides resources, publications and policy statements on a range of issues including those relating to aged care.
Australian Nursing Federation
These websites provide links to various nursing associations which include resources, publications, and policy statements.
Australian Pain Society
The Australian Pain Society’s 2005 guidelines on Pain in Residential Aged Care Facilities is available for download providing comprehensive information on identification, assessment and response strategies for pain management. The document also contains a list of useful websites and further references to pain management guidelines.
Australian Physiotherapy Association
This website provides a link to the Australian Journal of Physiotherapy.
Australian Podiatry Council
This website provides various information and resources on foot care including in relation to aged care.
Australian Psychological Society
This website provides some information on psychologists.
Australian Resource Centre for Health Care Innovations (ARCHI)
Australian Resource Centre for Health Care Innovations aims to support and increase the implementation of effective and quality innovations in clinical care. The site contains various links on health care issues including in relation to clinical care, health administration and workforce.
Australian Rural Nurses and Midwives
This website has information on rural nursing, including in relation to aged care. There is also information on a falls prevention project and education sessions on various health topics.
Better Health Channel
This website is from the Victorian government and contains information on health and personal care including fact sheets and a medical dictionary.
Biomed Central
This website provides links to various topic-specific journals relating to areas in health and personal care.
Bladder and Bowel Website
This website is an initiative of the National Continence Management Strategy, supervised by the Department of Health and Ageing. The site contains useful information on bladder and bowel health care, as well as links to other websites.
Cancer Council Australia
This website provides information on various cancers and includes publications, guidelines and information on policy.
This website contains information for palliative care clinical practitioners, researchers and educators and includes abstracts from proceedings of scientific meetings, government reports, theses and treatises related to palliative care from Australian universities and refereed journal articles not catalogued on general medical databases. It also contains models of service provision and outcome measures.
Centre for Education and Research on Ageing (CERA)
CERA, part of the University of Sydney, provides resources and links on health care issues relating to ageing in order to improve the health and quality of life of older people.
The Cochrane Library
This website provides a comprehensive collection of health care databases as well as outcomes of research reviews on health care interventions and methodology of research trials.
Complementary Health Care Council of Australia
This website provides information on some complementary therapies.
Continence Foundation of Australia
Information page from the Continence Foundation of Australia on the link between poor bladder or bowel control and depression.
Deafness Forum
The Deafness Forum is the peak body for deafness in Australia. This website provides information on deafness as well as links to other useful websites. The Deafness Forum contributed to a presentation developed by the Agency which is available by clicking here.
Dementia Education Online
Dementia Education Online is a government initiative with three online training modules relating to dementia. These modules are: what is dementia, recognising dementia, and communication in dementia care.
Diabetes Australia
This website provides information, research and resources on diabetes.
Dietitians Association of Australia
This website provides information about nutrition including information on aged care.
Health at eNotes
This website contains several medical and psychological encyclopaedia containing simple definitions and descriptions of medical terminology, procedures and diagnoses.
This website provides a range of information on health topics such as diabetes, cancer, mental health and asthma.
Heart Foundation
This website contains information on various heart health problems including through information pages and publications.
Help the Aged (UK)
This website provides information on a variety of health and care issues.
Huntington’s Disease Association Australia (WA)
Huntington’s Disease Association New South Wales
Huntington’s Disease Association Queensland
These websites contain information on Huntington’s Disease including in relation to nutrition, swallowing, cognition, communication and decision making.
Joanna Briggs Institute
This website provides various information sheets on best practice guidelines relating to health and personal care.
Kidney Health Australia
This website provides information and resources on renal health.
Medical Journal of Australia
The Medical Journal of Australia contains various articles on topics relating to health and personal care.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society of Australia
This website contains information on multiple sclerosis (MS) including through research and publications.
National Health and Medical Research Council
The National Health and Medical Research Council contains various publications on health issues, including a specific topic area on aged care.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (UK)
This website provides guidance on the promotion of good health and the prevention and treatment of ill-health.
National Prescribing Service (NPS)
The NPS is an independent Australian organisation supporting the quality use of medicines. This website contains free resources including a Drug Use Evaluation Toolkit (for evaluating the use of psychotropic medications).
National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Aging (US)
The National Resource Center on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Aging (US) works in conjunction with the US Administration on Aging to provide information and practical guidance on reducing ‘nutrition risk among older adults’.
National Sleep Foundation (US)
Information on sleep and ageing from the National Sleep Foundation (USA).
National Stroke Foundation
Provides information on guidelines and pamphlets on stroke.
Nutrition Journal
This journal contains various articles on the effect of nutrition on various aged-related illnesses.
Palliative Care Australia
Palliative Care Australia is the national peak body involved in palliative care. The website provides information on current projects, events and guidelines, including Guidelines for a Palliative Approach in Residential Aged Care.
Palliative Care Section of Department of Health and Ageing
This site contains various resources and publications including on training and palliative care for indigenous Australians.
Parkinson’s Association (New South Wales)
Parkinson's Association (Queensland)
Parkinson's Association (South Australia)
Parkinson's Association (Victoria)
Parkinson's Association (Western Australia)
These websites provide general information on Parkinson’s Disease including in relation to symptoms, treatment and lifestyle.
Respecting Patient Choices (Austin Health)
The Respecting Patient Choices Program is a program to support advance care planning. The website contains various information relating to advance care planning including ethno-legal information and case studies.
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
This website provides information about issues relating to general practitioners and the Medical Care of Older Persons in Residential Aged Care Facilities (the Silver Book).
Speech Pathology Australia
This website provides information on communication and swallowing.
Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is a unit of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing and carries out a range of assessment and monitoring activities to ensure therapeutic goods available in Australia are of an acceptable standard.
TIME for Dementia
Training Innovation Mentoring and Education (TIME) for Dementia aims to provide flexible, multidimensional education to allied health, medical and nursing professionals and healthcare students. The site contains education modules aimed to assist health professionals to care for people with dementia.
UNSW - Dementia Collaborative Research Centres (DCRC)
Dementia Collaborative Research Centres were established by the Australian government and focus on different areas of dementia research. This site contains downloadable reports on results of such research.
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
The Clinical Liaison Service is a new and unique initiative of the State Coroners Office and the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine to improve resident/patient safety. The need to establish the service is supported by an expanding body of research evidence indicating that addressing the contributing underlying system factors may prevent a significant proportion of adverse events.
Vision Australia
This site contains information on vision impairment.
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Standard three: Resident lifestyle
Aged Care Advocacy Services
ACT Disability, Aged and Carer Advocacy Service
The Aged Care Rights Service TARS (New South Wales)
Queensland Aged and Disability Advocacy Inc QADA
Aged Rights Advocacy Service (South Australia)
Advocacy Tasmania
Elder Rights Advocacy (Victoria)
Advocare (Western Australia)
These organisations are Commonwealth-funded and provide information and publications on residents’ rights including in relation to elder abuse.
Australian Guardianship and Administration Committee
This site provides information about the Australian Guardianship and Administration Committee with links to guardianship bodies in each state. These organisations have a role in protecting adults in Australia who do not have the capacity to make their own decisions including in relation to financial, medical and dental consent. They also provide various information on guardianship and other related issues.
Australian Multicultural Foundation
The Australian Multicultural Foundation in conjunction with RMIT University created the Aged Care Training Institute to provide training on working in a multicultural aged care environment.
Benevolent Society
The Benevolent Society has developed resources to help prevent the abuse of older people, increase awareness of abuse and to guide care-workers on how to respond if they see signs of abuse. This link includes various resources, including links to other sites.
Beyond Blue
This website provides information and links to other websites on depression.
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is an educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in mood disorders. This site contains various resources including assessment tools and research.
Carers Australia
Carers Australia provides information, advocacy and resources to carers. The website contains resources relating to caring including via the page which contains information for carers of older people including in relation to residential aged care.
Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
The Centre for Cultural Diversity has been developed to guide and promote best practice standards of care that address cultural diversity across all levels of service design and delivery. It also contains resources in different languages.
Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Citizenship
This website provides information on immigration, multicultural issues and indigenous issues including Australia’s multicultural policy and links to other websites with information indigenous services and policies. By clicking here, there is access to a calendar which aims to raise awareness of the many cultural and religious events, festivals and days that are celebrated throughout Australia.
Dementia Care Australia
This website contains information and articles relating to dementia with a strong focus on the individual. There is an abundance of information on maintaining the dignity of people with dementia and on activities appropriate to their needs. There is also some information on nutrition and other health-related issues.
Department of Justice and Attorney-General (Queensland)
The Department of Justice and Attorney-General is the government agency responsible for administering justice in Queensland. This site contains information on various issues including guardianship and powers of attorney in Queensland.
Diversional Therapy Association of Australia
Website of the Diversional Therapy Association of Australia providing general and professional information, publications and upcoming events.
Elder Abuse Prevention Unit (EAPU)
This website includes a range of information about the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit and elder abuse including downloadable fact sheets and multilingual brochures which are available in 15 different languages.
Greek Care
Greek Care provides practical advice and information on how to work with Greek elders. It includes information on how to be culturally sensitive to people with Greek culture, including information on communication, and spiritual needs.
Mental Health Association
This website provides links to mental health associations in each state which in turn have other links to related websites as well as information on mental health issues.
Multicultural Aged Care - South Australia
This website has information on multiculturalism. This includes resources which outline some of the characteristics of specific cultures.
Multicultural Mental Health Australia
This website provides information and resources on mental health issues in relation to cultural aspects, and is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing.
New South Wales Multicultural Health Communication Service
The New South Wales Multicultural Health Communication Service is funded by the New South Wales Department of Health and provides information, services and resources to assist health professionals to communicate with people from culturally and linguistically-diverse backgrounds.
NSW Transcultural Aged Care Service (TACS)
The NSW Transcultural Aged Care Service (TACS) provides advocacy and service support to improve the responsiveness of aged care providers toward culturally and linguistically diverse residents.
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
This website provides information, resources and research on privacy legislation and rights.
Office of the Public Guardian (Tasmania)
The Office of the Public Guardian promotes, speaks for, and protects the rights and interests of people with disabilities and acts as the guardian of people with disabilities when appointed by the Guardianship and Administration Board.
Older Women's Network
The Older Women’s Network (NSW) is an organisation committed to promoting the rights, dignity and wellbeing of older women. The website contains resources on wellness, indigenous matters and ageing issues for women.
Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity
The Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity provide research and advocacy focused on older people from minority groups.
Public Advocate of the ACT
The Public Advocate of the ACT (PA ACT) is a statutory agency which with a range of unique functions and powers with respect to children and young people, and adults with a disability, who require protection from abuse, exploitation or neglect.
RPH Australia
RPH Australia is the national peak body for a network of unique, independent radio reading services striving to meet the daily information needs of over three million Australians with a print disability.
This website provides information on services and rights to senior citizens.
University of the Third Age
This website provides information and resources on courses for older people and links to other University of the Third Age Websites.
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Standard four: Physical environment and safe systems
Australian Building Codes Board
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is a joint initiative of all levels of Australian Government and includes representatives from the building industry. This site contains information on changes to existing and new building codes.
Australian Infection Control Association
This website contains links to state associations and various infection control websites.
Australian Safety and Compensation Council
The council provides a national forum for state and territory governments, employers and employees to consult and participate in the development of policies relating to occupational health and safety, and workers' compensation.
Department of Employment and Industrial Relations (Queensland)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in Queensland.
Department of Health and Ageing (certification information)
This site lists those homes which meet the 1997 certification standards and those which have demonstrated they meet the December 2005 target for higher standards tested against the 1999 Certification Instrument.
Emergency Management Australia
This website provides information about emergency management, resources and links to related sites.
Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia
This website provides general information about emergency services including in relation to natural disasters and general information on safety and risk management.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (formerly ANZFA) is a regulatory authority. Information on this website includes publications and other information on food safety including the document Food Safety Programs for Food Service to Vulnerable Persons.
Infection Prevention & Control Unit
This website provides information and resources on infection control.
Ministry of Economic Development (New Zealand)
This website provides information on planning for a pandemic, including resources created in response to the World Health Organisation’s warning.
National Center for Infectious Diseases (U.S.)
This site contains information on infections and infection control practices for treatment and prevention.
New South Wales Fire Brigades
This website provides information on fire safety, regulations and education.
New South Wales Food Authority
The NSW Food Authority provides the regulation framework for industry to produce safe and correctly labelled food. This site contains various information on food safety, including in relation to aged care.
New South Wales Rural Fire Service
This website provides information on fire safety including publications and legal information.
Queensland Fire and Rescue Service
This website provides information on fire safety, regulations and education.
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Environment, Health and Safety
This site contains information on occupational health and safety, and risk management in general.
Victorian WorkCover Authority
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in Victoria.
WorkCover (Australian Capital Territory)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in the Australian Capital Territory.
WorkCover (New South Wales)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in New South Wales.
WorkCover (South Australia)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in South Australia.
WorkCover (Tasmania)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in Tasmania.
WorkSafe (Northern Territory)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in the Northern Territory.
WorkSafe (Western Australia)
This website provides information on occupational health and safety in Western Australia